(Compact-PRO FF) Seek Thermal社は、米国カリフォルニア州サンタバーバラに本社がある赤外線カメラのメーカー。 米国はもとより、ヨーロッパやアジアでも幅広いシェアを誇る信頼と実績のメーカーです。 超小型(2cm×4.5cm×2.1cm(※コネクタ部除く)でありながら76,800ピクセル(320x 240)の圧倒的な熱画像を提供します。 画角36° 測定温度範囲-40°~330° フレームレート 9Hz or Higher カラーパレット 9種 静止画、動画にも対応Are there two versions of compact pro? a simple one and a FF (fast frame) one? i didnt find any relevant info on seek official websiteEDIT:Found an answer for the 1st question while searching:"The FastFrame is easy to identify by the "X" on the end of the model number. The CompactPro and CompactPro FF are indeed completely identical devices with different firmware(wink-wink), one is hard locked to 9Hz, the other has a sort of "free run" mode, where it outputs as many frames as the host can process. Usually around 20-30, though Ive seen some go as high as 47, which makes me think its read out at 60, or at least 50. ** 保護ケースと本体のみで、国内ではパッケージはございません。**